Monday, January 29, 2007


Ok so here's another one. Jeez, I thought I wasn't even gonna post tonight! What is up! I told you-I've got almost TOO much energy! It disturbs my usual tranquility!

Anyway-alot of juice freaks say NOT to mix fruit and veges except apples and carrots of course. They seem to go with everything. But is this a real rule that works for you? OR is it one of those that we add to the list of "OLD RULES WE ARE BURNING ALONG WITH OUR BRAS".

In GREEN FOR LIFE, which is a raw book by Victoria Boutentko, she has green smoothies, and she mixes fruit and veges!

Here are some of her combinations:
a banana, half an apple, a cup of blueberries (frozen or fresh), a large handful of spinach, and some plain yogurt.
a cup of mango, half a peeled cucumber, ginger, and yogurt.
a banana, blueberries, 4-6 kale leaves, an orange, and some yogurt.
a banana, half a pear, some cranberries, half an orange, a stalk of celergy, 4-6 romaine lettuce leaves

she adds water to these.

Anyone care to try and let us know? I'm not so sure about the banana with kale...but hey! It's sounds colorful for sure! Hey Jac, how about drinking this in front of the kiddies.

I would bet you can get away without the yogurt. I add some ice cubes to make it thicker. They also use some water if it is too thick in the blender.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I know one "rule" I've picked up along the way is to juice your veggies and eat your fruit. I think the smoothies count as eating your fruit since you are consuming all of the fruit.

Also another "rule" is to eat your fruit on an empty stomach. This is because fruit passes through your digestive system so quickly that you don't want it backed up on top of other food you've consumed that digests slowly. If you slow down the digestion or passage of fruit, because of the high sugar content, it will ferment and cause toxins. And the whole point of this is to detoxify our bodies.

Both of those rules make sense to me. But as far as mixing fruit and veggies, those two rules would be my best guess as to why you shouldn't.

I've also heard that in addition to apples and carrots that lemons are okay to mix with other stuff too.