Monday, January 22, 2007

Recipes from NYC as promised Almond Cheese

Hey guys! So sad to leave SLC but lucky for you Ive been reunited with my book of raw recipes!
Here goes:

Almond Cheese:
makes 2 cups 6-8 servings

2 cups almonds hot soaked for 5 minutes when skin pops off easily add some cool water and peel away. put them in cold water for 8-12 hours rinse drain and follow below:

in blender (not cuisinart use high powered blender)- blend almonds and 1 or more cups water and 1/4 tsp probiotic powder (or you can use light mellow miso as a starter)

use a pint size strainer (a plastic berry basket works perfectly)
line it with cheese cloth allowing several inches of cloth to hang on sides
set strainer on top of a shallow dish
pour blended nut mixture into strainer fold cheese cloth over top of cheese
place in warm location for 8-12 hours ( less time if warmer weather)

after about 2 hrs fermenting place weight on top of cheese to help press out liquid
(you can use a small mason jar filled with water or seeds)

season as you like and can be fermented to suit your taste
store in sealed container in fridge for up to a week

You can do this with cashews or pine nuts macadamias you can use them unsoaked if you have a high powered blender if not soak for 2 hrs (6 hrs for mac nuts) then rinse drain follow above recipe no cheese cloth required no liquid is released during the fermentation....

you can experiment with different nuts you will taste the difference!

have fun!

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