Although this is my granddaughter Sydney and not Em I just thought the picture was so appropriate to fairy dust and the child within....Magic....
I was talking with my daughter today, and she is such a love. She is doing the South Beach Diet. But what she is doing really is getting Rawish. She asked me Mom, something is really different when I started this I am seeing the world so different. The colors are more brilliant, vibrant, even the traffic lights are a brilliant color. She said it is so great when I eat I feel so charged, like on a high. She said they buy all the produce at the local farmers market, so its really fresh. She said its really changing how I am looking at life. Mom can food do that. I laugh then tell her yes sweet heart, you've got it! I then told her she needs to make sure she is making this connection with my granddaughter Emily. She said she did ask Em if she was seeing the same thing, the vibrance of the colors around them and Em said no and looked at her like eeewwweee Mom. I told her to keep bringing the magic out to Em, she needs to feel and see the magic.....
Send your daughter the link to the blog. It may inspire her!
She's a beautiful BUTTERFLY! Look at those wings!
Pretty granddaughter, Em sounds pretty magical too.
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