Tuesday, January 30, 2007


So, I found organic produce at TARGETS. Expensive I would say! Berries were more than at WIld Oats! AND those numbers-it's true!

Ah but not when I got to Costco. I saw digits starting with 4,3,6,5,8,9 all over the board. I couldn't tell. They had big bags of ORGANIC apples-not because of the number but because of the big ORGANIC letters stamped on the bag. Ok. I bought them.
They had tubs of cut up pineapple-started with an 8. Does that really mean genetically altered? Could be. If I had had more time I would have asked, really. I want to know!

I bought some beautiful dark purple grapes for the flavonoids. Oh they looked SO good.Um. Didn't taste good. NOT because they weren't sweet, but I couldnt' get the taste of the pesticides out of my mouth! They literally had this acidic, acrid taste that made my mouth squirm as it bit in. What a damn shame!!! And they DID start with a 4.

Rebecca, great DVD thanks. It says everything I've been saying! It is all about marketing us into getting fatter and sicker for the good of the American economy. AND I found out something else. Remember when I was saying I couldn't figure out why it was good business to advertise an anti nausea cancer med in a mainstream women's mag? Well-get this. It's so that we can be "smart shoppers" and self advocate. hah! So if a drug is BAD, and the doctor knows it, but the patient wants it-without doing any more research than that double spread add in Redbook-wham. Good marketing! :) Product recognition-what every brand name wants. So-brand name cancer. Dangerous medicine girls. Dangerous medicine.

Bad medicine, but good marketing. Man...we are so stupid!


Rebecca said...

I'm glad you liked that DVD. It did say everything you've been saying! I'm glad there are a few other people out there, besides the few of us, aware of this massive scheme. That whole thing about how overnight a huge population will suddenly have high blood pressure and need medication for it! Geez! And that business about diagnosing teenagers with these heavy duty, not-clean drugs if they don't make the baseball team or the cheerleading squad. Anyway, I'm glad you liked it. We can pass it on to anyone else interested in seeing it. I've heard a few doctors complain on NPR about patients demanding drugs that have serious side affects, and are inappropriate for the patient, based soley on these misleading advertisements. Shyness is a disease now! It's big business run completely amuck! It makes me so mad. I can't think about it too much because it upsets me too much.

I'm pissed that doctors aren't telling people with heart disease to stop eating clogging food. They tell them to cut back on the red meat, but they don't tell them to eat lots and lots of raw veggies. I've got a really good friend who is an insulin injection dependent diabetic, and she listens to her doctor like he's God. It's all I can do to keep my mouth shut about all we've learned about the raw diet. I've got another good friend who looks like he's in good health, but a year ago he had a blocked artery and had a stent put in it. Two weeks ago he went in to have part of his heart fried, oh cauterized, so that he would stop having strong heart palpitations. And he's got a list of foods that trigger these attacks. So, hello! People? Bad food causes bad stuff to happen to your body eventually. I've almost chewed my tongue off keeping my mouth shut. I can't say anything until they ask me. Anyway... Dangerous medicine indeed!

Joy! said...

Well you could always refer them to the blog. I do!
I am not holding my tongue. I told my hairdresser about going raw, and she said she wondered why my hair was so much softer.
I spoke up first though.

I don't have a bald spot anymore. I can't believe it. My hair isn't thicker, but it's time for a haircut-2 weeks early! That's huge! I haven't had thick hair for 17 years!

No bald spot in front. Wow! And that's in the last two weeks. i can't wait til the next time I go in! :) Who would think I would grow hair??? BUT! That's directly because it is balancing out the hormone levels in my body. Bad news-I think I'm going to start getting menses again...dang...thought I was done!