I copied and pasted this email from Linda into the blog because she wanted it
on the blog, so this is just easiest for the moment. I resent the invitation to her
to join us.
Greetings to Lauren, Joy and all from Linda in Wyoming,
Have signed in. Not exactly proficient yet at navigating this, so we
shall see!
Giggles this morning when I read your e-mail Lauren. As for me...the
transition from the safety of the Joy's nest back to the hinterlands
has been curious. We made it back here Monday late afternoon, driving
through ground blizzards and ice, and unpacked the two cars in -6
weather. DISGUSTING! But more on that later...it was absolutely
perfect. Some decisions can come sliding in softly.
Managed to pull together a birthday dinner for Roger that night. He's
hit the big 58 first; me in April. There are a lot of us "49'ers"
working our way through our second Saturn return. More on that later.
Next day his breathing was labored; still wanted to wait for me to work
on him. Doc said "bronchitis". My muscles and bones were talking
dirty to me. I spent that day (Tuesday) in bed under heating blanket.
Couldn't get warm. Roger then said "would you work on me now". Slept,
and watched images weave their magic around me, in no particular order:
"Ants on a log, transitions, butterflys, lady bugs on a stick, passion
pillows, Chiron piece be...psychedlic flowers, green whip snakes, sleep
walking...raw foods, class with Omar, emptyness of Wild Oats without
Joy and Laurwen. Followed body talk to complete surrender.
Wednesday, back in bed. Asked, viewed, watched, and saw puzzle pieces
come into being. How very simple, how very clear, and how very FUN!
Mooon in Aries...laughed at myself...and THIS is a dynamo! Hah!
Christmas tree still up in the kitchen. Roger very content to have me
dreaming our future. I feel as though I'm sitting on a giant nest of
multi colored eggs from a kaleidoscope of birds. Up by 2:00 to
continue unpacking. Realize I haven't showered in three days when I
can't find my toothbrush. My hatchlings are fine, I reek!
Thursday, up at normal 5:00ish time. Visit with Roger about
conclusions and dream weavings. He concurs.
Conclusion? I was drowning before the IA class, filled with fears.
Stepped into knowing about class. It was astounding. Ready now to go
raw. The week I did was easy, filling, and joy-full. Especially after
I stepped the pace back, eliminating doing the liver cleanse at the
same time. What I faced was enough. So now, integrate with Wyoming,
and step into the stream.
Transition? Huge piece for me. Have followed my body's message (thank
you Joy), and listened. I feel clear, centered, and nurtured. The
work was more than words can describe. I will put fingers to keys to
describe. First things first. Count me in...
Blessings to all...see you soon! Linda
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