I happened on a post where someone said " The zucchini is a totally wasted vegetable with almost no nutritional value at all." I thought that didn't FEEL right, so I took a look.
Did you know that that humble zucchini is a source of omegas 3 and 6? I didn't! It also is pretty good in C. You know what else? It has a whole slew of amino acids in it...this is a great little guy for dipping, dunking and eating raw, and I like them! So, I beg to differ with Mr. Expert-the zucchini is awesome! It is tender, it slices easily, and it lends itself to raw cuisine-like raw spaghetti as we know! And those little yellow zucchini-aren't they great too?
I eat the zucchini and yellow squash all the time. Is there a veggie that has no nutritional value?????
Only for those poor fools that think they have to eat meat to get their nutrition.
Ummm... I submit the iceberg lettuce as severely lacking nutritional value. It's mostly just water, isn't it? It's great on a dry hamburger though!
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