It's about opening up to the center of you, and feeling it all the way in and out again! Like great big deep breaths that we take with our eyes closed and tasting the air.
This is all about the quality of our lives! I am so so so impressed and delighted and excited about all of us! It's been a great ride! It's about waking up. It's about feeling alive.
I was thinking why can't we approach the exercise the same way we did the raw? Do it from the process rather than the procedure. I mean, we got into this raw food thing from the process of it. The colors, the flavors, the textures, the combinations, the feelings, the artistry of the plates. We jumped over the standard rules. We jumped over the limitations and boxes of weigh, measure, portion, combine.

What are those gremlin voices saying about moving?
Can you hear them whispering? Yep. They are different whiney baby gremlins.
What are the "you can't make mes?"
What are the "I will when I'm good and readys?"
What are the voices of anger, or pain that are hiding under staying still?

It's exactly the same as the food.
We really like eating well. Ok. We know we really feel better when we move. So. Same same. Why aren't we? Same same.
We need to reframe exercise the same way we did food.
So, here's my idea.
We have to make it all about the joy of moving. No pun intended. Walking in the sunlight, and tasting the air (ok not down there-it tasted like chlorine yesterday-what is THAT about???)
Wonderful music that makes us want to sway...and dance! A walk around the block with the dog and your camera. A dog's walk-meaning smell the flowers, enjoy the sites. Go to the park and watch kids!! They love it. Let's schedule some hikes or a photographic trip to the desert for the day. Or a weekend in MOAB. Anyone up for that? We could go this time of year and get 2 rooms that adjoin and have a girl trip.
Remember, the myths. What are the movement myths in your childhood-life? I hated PE class. I found it embarassing and judgmental. I never seemed to be fit enough even when I ran track and swam swim team. I always was critical of my body, my thighs.
I put that study on the lightlinxx blog earlier. They've now decided that normal daily MOVING is enough. It doesn't have to be miles of cross training. It's about moving ourselves in our daily lives. That means to me...moving with INTENT. Moving with MINDFULNESS. Moving with LOVE FOR MOVING. So for 30 days, can we do moving with intent and moving with love, and moving with mindfulness? Shamanic walks in nature to collect beautiful things. And shamanic walks in nature to commune. It's not about attacking movement like it's a task to be added to our list of things I have to do! I think the "I have go move more" is exactly what is pushing our butons-unconsciously of course.
Wow! That took me a long time to get this one. We almost missed it. It's about LOVING MOVING IN OUR BODIES AGAIN>not having to move our bodies. hah! We are feeling lighter! We are feeling like dancing. Let's dance! I want to sign up for a belly dancing class! Anyone else?
What is the body of moving? What is the emotion of moving? What are the beliefs around moving. What is the spirit of moving?

That's already reframing it TOTALLY for me. Anyone else?
Hooray, I love it...exactly, loving moving in our bodies.
Yes, to Moab....Terry and I took a drive to Francis today. It was so nice to get up high enough that we could breath the better air...
Yes, to Belly Dancing, I have always wanted to do that...
I want to love moving my body. I really want to love movement.
I have a TON of work to do on this topic. For one, exercise hurts now that I'm extremely obese. Two, I don't have a dog or children or even friends who want to go hang out in a park, so it's a lonely experience. When I find someone who likes to exercise, they are usually in such better shape, that I can't keep up. And that's not fun either. I have major trauma thinking about not being able to breathe or keep up. It's not fun. It's like the hated PE class now.
This is new for me because I have at times been quite an athlete. I was a very active kid, played outside and spent most summers outside sun up to sun down. I've won walking races. I've played volleyball for years. I used to hike and ride and run even. I used to run 5 miles a day and I loved it. But lately it hurts so much to ride my bike or go for walks I just don't do it. I can go to the gym and walk on a treadmill, it would be great for me to do that, but the little kid in me would rather watch TV. So there you have it. This is an important component for me. To living in the now. To being a fully integrated person spiritually and physically. I have to work on the little kid to make her do the chores too, cleaning the cat box, balancing check book, the really distasteful things. All of this is really good stuff.
I'm not ready right now to take a belly dancing class. I've actually tried it for a couple of classes and I concluded that I want to do it when I'm thinner.
I'm DEFINITELY up for the Moab trip and the hiking/picture taking up in Albion Basin!!!
Cool. Let's get some dates Jac.
Reframe "extremely obese" please! That's not a pleasant label to put on yourself! You are a beautiful, voluptuous, buxom woman! Did you know that heavy women are more highly sexed? THAT little known fact comes from men that love big women.
Now I'm not saying that thin women don't love sex too, but I AM saying that big women are definitely sexual women!
I agree it's not pleasant. Beautiful, voluptuous, buxom, loveable, sexual, intelligent, witty, compassionate, sensitive, intuitive and tender are much more pleasant labels. I accept all those labels for myself. Truthfully, I wasn't trying to tear myself down. The label has no bearing on my personal happiness or sense of self worth or wellbeing. The thing that really does affect my happiness, self worth and wellbeing is the fat, the clogged cells, the mucoid plaque in my joints that make movement and living uncomfortable. It's just a label to describe a temporary condition, nothing more.
I thank you for loving me and looking out for me and helping me to be kind and gentle to myself. Thank you.
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