Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Another local natural food store is GOOD EARTH. They have locations in Riverdale, Orem, Sandy and Provo. I've only been to the one in Riverdale but want to check out Sanday. They have a great selection, organic produce, and that's where I ordered my dehydrator from, which came in 4 days,and the price was $219. for the 9 drawer including freight and tax which put it at less than I found on line. Course, I didn't check ebay. I looked at our posted links and then while in there impulsively thought "what the hell!" and ordered it. I have stuff in 6 trays today and am playing. One drawback-no timer! All the recipes say 4-5 hours or 6-8 can set the temperature, but not the time. Bad design flaw in my opinion.

Sandy: 7905 S 700 E.
Provo: 1045 S University
Orem: 500 S State
Riverdale: 1050 W Riverdale

Wonder why they went to Riverdale and skipped over SLC? They have the LARABARS, which I would highly recommend, at much less than either Wild Oats or Albertsons who have it at $2.09. Good Earth has them on sale at $1.35. Now in Riverdale they are NOT with the other protein bars. They are in a separate RAW section, so ask for them. They also have some yummy things like dehyrated carob supergreen squares. I love em and want to replicate in my dehydrator. LARABARS are all organic, and all raw. They will inspire you, and if you need something to keep in the car that won't spoil, they will do.

For some reason I have a wicked headache today. I realized it as I was waking up-coming back into the body with a "wow what was I doing last night?" I feel like I'm hung over!


Rebecca said...

I've been going to the Good Earth in Sandy for years now. It's a great little store. A nice place to buy organic produce too, and you can buy wheatgrass juice shots there. They have a whole section just for raw food products, raw everything, agave nector, Braggs liquid aminos, all the weird ingredients you read about in the uncookbooks. They even sell dehydrated flax seed crackers. I haven't seen the Lara Bars there, I guess I need to ask about them.

Joy! said...

Yeah. ask them for their raw section-it's over by the supplements. Odd I thought. Course, that's in the Riverdale store.