So many of the pics I took in COsta riCa have orbs -- but this one is very different...ive never seen diamond orbs like this....These are brahman cow (the sacred cow of hinduism)...they are all over costa rica... these guys were on the dirt pass to my farm in front of an abandoned school house...interesting huh? ive just never seen a shower of diamond orbs like this....circles i used to think oh its the light or the flash etc....but when i looked at this one I was like huh maybe theres something to it....im not sold yet but interested....very interested....
also i will be posting more pics but have to go through and scale them all down! or maybe we can have a slide show when i come in town!
Hey! We need to go to Costa Rica and interview these cows! They look like they could give us quite a story about raw.
sure sure...that's e xactly why we go to Costa Rica-to interview the sacred cows! I got it! What an angle.
Kinda like the
"eat more chickens" campaign that the cows did for awhile...
Hey, its just proof positive that Sacred Geometry is alive and well in Costa Rica....
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