I told you all about that pulsing golden light over my alter two nights ago, so tonight I set my alarm so I could see if it happened again.
I came home tonight and took a look at the stones on my alter again to see if there was anything remarkable there. There isn't. A few of my Peruvian meteorites, a crystal Lina gifted me, some stones that used to be in my mesa, and I did have a gateway.
I had the stones laid out in a small gateway on the dresser.
Could it have been the gateway? The light wasn't just over the gateway though, it was over the whole alter area. Amazing.
It was so dark over the dresser tonight, the constrast was startling. NO light, nothing. In fact, deep shadow. I don't know what the light was the other night, but it appeared to be some sort of download. It pulsed, and had vertical striations to it. Bright golden light. Lasted for quite awhile. I remember sitting up and looking at it.
Tonight as I looked at the shadows and stillness I decided if it happens again I'm going to get out of bed and examine it closer!
At 4am in my bedroom it is dark. No light from the windows. The top of the dresser is dark dark dark.
Course then I couldn't go back to sleep so I have an early start on the day.
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