Saturday, April 28, 2007


Obviously, I have found a hot button still burning in myself! :)

And you know what? I don't want to shrug and go quietly and say "what ya gonna do?" I want to scream! I want to rally the troops! I want to storm the medical bastille!

I was telling T about it-and of course being naturally thin, AND losing weight easily-he was less than sympathetic. He smiled indulgently (and I admit I was raving a bit) and then shrugged. SHRUGGED!

And then he said "you DO have to eat less." This is my biggest button. This is hit the roof time! I had a freaking gastric bypass and for 17 years I CAN'T EAT BIG! And yet, there it is. The belief that it must be what I am eating, and the how much. I've been primarily raw, and mostly raw juice for what, close to 5 months now? Come on!

I said to him "They slit me open like a pig" and I flashed my scar "stuck the knife in at my bellybutton and it ends at my sternum" ... still no reaction. "Don't you get it? This is like doing major surgery to cure the FLU!"

This is like in MASTER AND COMMANDER-did you see that movie? There was a sea battle, and the 12 year old apprentice captain breaks his arm...and they take an ax and cut it off! No cure, whack.

To me-this is THE SAME THING!

Yes Pam-that's exactly what I think we should figure out. And I want to find a lab in Utah that will do a blood test for AD36 antibodies. And I want to find out more!


Pam said...

Just think how popular we'd be with everyone if they could lose weight simply by being 'Rifed'. What a kick!

CatherineAnn said...

Oh boy, what a button this is! I swear on my life that I did not eat more and got fat. After I got fat I would eat more and everything was screwed up but to get fat I didn't change anything. Let's nuke this virus now.

Jacqueline Brown, said...

I agree I did not eat more at all. I have been Veggie for the most part for over three years now along with Joy, five months at 90% Raw....what the hell is wrong with this picture that we aren't slim...

Joy! said...

What if:
what if we "catch" this virus, start plumping up. We think it's us. We start "dieting" and it doesn't help. We think it's us. We go on more diets, by books, join health clubs. No matter what we do, we don't seem to be able to get it off. In fact, we seem to get more fat. Exactly like MORE fat cells wake up. Which is what the virus does.