I went to Ogden yesterday, and decided to stop at JAMBA to get wheatgrass and carrot juice. Imagine my surprise-the front had been painted bright red, newly painted jazzy colors inside and a "GRAND REOPENING" sign was up. A crackerjack staff of 4 that was cranking out juices as fast as they could, and lines out the door. It was 4pm. Ages were mixed-all over the place from young kids, to teens, to adults, to the aged. Hmmm.
The had 4 juicers, and at least 15 containers and the staff worked really well together with an eb and flow each knowing what needed to be done next. I was impressed. The recipes were down, very little waste...until it came to the wheatgrass. He made twice as much as my little cup held.
Why the crowd?
Well well. They've introduced a few new products. PURE FRUIT in a cup. Pomegranate, and peach, actually 5 new recipes-maybe 6?
Peach is peach juice, apple-strawberry juice, peaches, mangos, strawberries and ice. (juices are just that-added as juice)
Pomegranate paradise-pomegranate juice, strawberries, mangos, peaches, and ice.
Acai Supercharger is new too.
They had a few others.
They've also added some green tea blends-which they were out of btw.
So! They are hearing the healthy call (remember I mentioned they considered themselves a treat-drink?) and are getting on the healthy wagon. ALL FRUIT choices-no ice cream, no yogurt. Interesting.
And they were packed! I waited 20 minutes for fresh squeezed carrot juice and 2 shots of wheatgrass. I was the ONLY ONE ordering anything like that btw, and my order kinda brough things to a halt.
The other thing was their music was too loud, and people couldn't hear their names called. So one woman kept jumping the line and asking if her order was ready-and she had 6 juices. A...no...!
And they have a brightly colored brochure-that promotes their new recipes AND all their philanthropic efforts. Like supporting a district manager that has cancer by organizing a run to raise funds for his familiy, supporting teachers and profiling a patron who's lost 70 pounds by skipping subs and switching to jamba drinks.
Um-they just went public and are trading on NASDAQ. That means-watch out folks-they are going to take off cuz they have the funds to fly.
It's going to be quite a race - don't worry, we'll have the funds to fly, too.
Yummm, carrot juice! ::drools like Homer Simpson::
I so inhaled the wheatgrass. It's been awhile since I've had some and it tasted so good I gulped a double shot straight. Man...to get back to my raw self again!
Oh not to worry. I just mean they are going to be popping up all over.
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