CA said in an email "Do you think you might be doing too many frequencies?" Gentle reminder that I am ALSO doing the MORS. Ok. Yes. And no. They are definitely bringing up the deepest things. BUT that's what I want.
Don't be afraid of your anger. That's what we did as children. My vow to myself and my child within is to own ALL my emotions. Even my scary ones. Anger wasn't ok. It was always "be a good girl". Do you remember the ditty "there was a little girl who had a little curl...right in the middle of her forhead. When she was good she was very very good, and when she was bad she was horrid." ? My mother used to sing that if I started to get angry or upset.
OWN your anger. Track it. KNOW what you are angry about. FOLLOW it like a thread, like breadcrumbs in the woods-but don't get lost in it. Track it, clear it.
I realized last night, in my deep anger was the anger of feeling that responsibility for everyone else. BECAUSE I can't ever be successful if they aren't happy. The obligation holds me in a limbo state-unable to step into my own happiness UNTIL. We wonder why we have this program to "wait" and I hear it all the time. "What am I waiting for?" Men and women...we have it, and I certainly had/have it. How damn deep does it run???
BUT! True to form, once I realized that I was the responsible one, and I took it back, and owned it and energetically said "I give you back your anger to deal with and own my own happiness without guilt"-he has shifted! This morning-he stated several positive changes, and has a better outlook. MAGIC! It works.
I also told him I can't plan a future with someone who is planning to die. He said "I'm not planning to die" to which I said "Then stop saying it and plan to live." That's words for all of us, isn't it? PLAN TO LIVE. Take responsiblility for YOUR LIFE and let the others own their own. I thought I was doing that, and on a conscious level I was, but deep at that unconscious level-I was angry because it was up to me to make him happy and I was failing. I definitely don't like failing.
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