Sunday, April 29, 2007


I've noticed lately that ever so slightly my calf muscles are starting to get that RLS thing again. Not alot, and not bad, but it's a twitchy feeling every now and then. I hated it before, and I haven't had it for a more than a year. And the last few nights I've been rocking in bed too. Again, not alot. I'm really sensitive to sounds and keep asking T to turn the tv down, but he cranks it way up. The most bothersome thing though is still this ache in my thighbones.

Taken one at a time, I can attribute them all to other things. But being raw, I'm more observant of myself. I finally
'asked', "what do these all have in common? and then heard clearly-

Low Magnesium. They are! SMACK. I haven't been taking my Mg supplements. There's some in my Calcium, but frankly since my bowels are so functional on raw, I lowered my Mg. (It relaxes muscles, which is what your intestines primarily are right?)Eating a high protein diet depletes Mg, which is why I used to take alot, so when I went raw-ish, I dropped it slowly.

I realized that my bones are depleted in Mg.Everyone talks about the importance of Calcium for good bones, but did you realize that your bones also need Mg? The bones STORE 53% of the magnesium your body has, then muscles, then soft tissue, and only 1% of the total Mg in your body is stored in the blood.

Researchers have found low Mg in asthmatics, and low Mg in Parkinson's and ALZ patients. Diabetics need MORE Mg because Mg is involved with the production and transportation of insulin. Mg is essential for heart - well it's a muscle right? Makes sense. i knew all this. I wonder why I stopped taking it? I wasn't paying attention.

I've been craving: kelp-it is the highest dietary source of Mg.
Wheat bran is next, then sunflower seeds. Shrimp are high on the list, and nuts, including brazil nuts which I suddenly bought and have been eating. Down the bottom is eggs, lettuce, celery and carrots but they are there!

So the last two nights I took Mg before bed. My legs still have some ache when I go up the stairs, but at about half of what they were. I'm thrilled. If anyone else has noticed bone pain, aches, or any of the other symptoms mentioned above, try adding Mg at bedtime. I've added 500mg. This is on top of what is in my Cal-Mg.

In case you weren't aware of this, the very best time to take your Ca supplement is at bedtime. I also take a Vit D:
low Vit D causes low calcium, and low Mg causes low Calcium and you need Vit D to absorb Calcium. They work hand in hand...quite a chain reaction eh?

And for the record if you know anyone taking antacids-the Ca in antacids causes Mg to be excreted from the body.
White sugar uses up Mg, as does a higher acidity level in the bloodstream, and aspartame blocks Mg. We're good on all these, so I'm still not so sure why I am low.

Know what else? Mg helps with hormonal fluctuations! And Mg relaxes muscles so it's great for tension headaches too btw. I had a wicked headache the other night which is unusual for me too.

1 comment:

Jacqueline Brown, said...

I have had some restless leg as well but has settled down now that I am taking the Kelp stuff.