Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Feelings and Reality...

We've been learning to change our reality, our internal rules or issues. I have a story to recommend. You find it by going to Show Time's website. www.sho.com Then click on the link to watch the This American Life episode online. It's the second half I'm most interested in recommending to you all. To summarize there is an improv group who tries to inject life into things that are "lifeless". This group decided to go support an unknown rock band that had just started up. The group went to one of their shows and pretended to be adoring fans or groupies. They bought the band's CD ahead of time, learned the lyrics, sang along, danced and had a great time. The band had an amazing time performing. They felt so great for 3 days until they found out about the "prank". The results are fascinating. It's about what we've been exploring. It's what we are trying to do. Feel the feeling first and the reality will follow. Act as though you have money even though it's not here yet in "reality". The gifts they got from this event are just so interesting. So if you get a spare hour check this out, especially the second act.


Pam said...

Wow, Rebecca. What a powerful story. I definitely felt an emotional tug with that band.

Joy! said...

where is the rest of the show? I can only get part 1?

Rebecca said...

Pam, Yeah, me too. At first I thought, Oh this could be bad, what if the band finds out it was a set up? But then I watched how happy they were performing for the audience, you can totally see how good they feel, and I thought, "Oh, hang on to that feeling. Make that feeling happen again and again. That's the secret boys." And even at the end the one kid is asked which is better a fake day of feeling good OR reality. And he picked the correct answer.

Joy, I don't know what went wrong for you. What happened? It's a one hour episode, and it should show the whole episode at once. Was there a glitch with browser or something? Try it again. The introduction is about a little girl on the school bus. The first act is about a family and their pet bull. The second act is about this band and the improv group that I'm talking about. Tell me what went wrong for you.