Similar to a radish, and stored like ginseng for up to 7 years when dried, Maca is a root like vegetable from...PERU! Again! Yep, here we go again.
Vi used to push ChacaMaca balls a few years ago. They were chocolate balls with maca in them, wrapped in foil. She LOVED them. Swore they made you feel good. I didn’t notice much, so I wasn’t convinced. But how do we use it raw? And why exactly?
It only grows at really high elevations-up to 15,000 feet. Natives use it for food and medicine. Promotes endurance, vitality (I am flashing to the image of those sturdy little compact people living way up there definitely putting us to shame with our huffing and puffing…
Feeding mice maca seems to have tripled the male sexual drive-wow. It enhances sexual desire. Hmmmm. I recall Don Manual saying with a twinkle “the bark may be old but the wood is mighty” and he was in his 90s then! They call it Peru’s natural Viagra. Ok chalk another one up for PERU and their food. Yeehaa. No wonder it was “highly revered by the Incas”!
It has 10% protein, and 60% carbohydrate as well as fatty acids. Good mix for raw us. And something they called “macaenes” and “macamides” which give it the sexy zip! Sounds like a country song…or punk rock?
It’s high in potassium, and has higher levels of calcium than cow’s milk. AND it’s an adaptogen which means it adapts to the body.
How do we get it into our raw diets though? Well in Peru, Maca isn’t a supplement. It’s food. Simple. And that’s what we are doing. Simple. They seem to mix it into anything you would use a flour for.
“At several booths, women were making maca blender drinks. Maca roots soaked in jars of water, and the tables were laden with all the ingredients for a drink. The typical shake includes a couple of soaked maca roots and a little bit of the soak water, a handful of fresh papaya (trucked up from the warm lowlands), some condensed milk, an egg, honey and vanilla, all put together with vigor and smiles. I asked a number of people why they used maca, but one woman stands out in my mind. She smiled at my question and replied, "Well, for the sex, of course."” I can't remember the site I got that quote from or I would link to it. Anyway!
Toss a tbs in a blender drink and enjoy it daily…hmmm…Tony DID say he would do some raw with me…he’ll never know what hit him.
Here’s a maca mixed drink called- The Bullet ride: maca, purple corn and rum! What’s purple corn?
I think what ever drink we combine the Maca in we call it MacaJoy....
LOL Maca love more like it!
We talked before about ChocaMaca - the flavor would probably even be disguised in a chocolate drink, CA.
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