Thursday, April 26, 2007

AD36 the fat virus

Guess what! They have found a FAT VIRUS! Yep, it's called AD-36, and if you have the antibodies in your bloodstream, it means you have been infected. It can cause your fat to triple!

If your lipids, triglycerides and cholesterol are normal, and your fat is high, you could have been infected with AD 36. This is different from "normal" obesity, they say, because these levels would be expected to be high. When I went to get my bypass, they were oh so shocked to find that my blood pressure was low, my cholesterol was normal and my triglicerides were ok. I was "just fat". Now I'm thinking it makes sense!

Lucky us, it's one of the 51 types of viruses that infect humans. It's an adeno virus so that means it's respiratory. And becaause there is so little serious research being done, it COULD be a virus that is passed vertically. That means that it is passed mother to infant.

So do you think they are rushing to develop a "vaccine" to "cure" us? I doubt it. Obesity is big business!!! (no pun intended but ar-ar)

See, ask a new question and you get a new answer! No one considered that fat might be a communicable disease! No one thought it might be infectious. No. It was all due to lack of willpower. But we know differently.

Think of it. We have an epidemic in our country of fat...which came first? The virus, and then TV, or fried chicken and then the virus? Who knows?

Maybe AD36 is an alien plot? Maybe it's AD36 that has been downloaded into our unsuspecting water systems, added like so much floride?

Hey, AD37 makes chickens fat...maybe someone out there decided to fatten up chickens, deliberately infecting them with AD37 as a quick way to raise fat chickens (more weight more profit afterall) which randomly mutated into AD36 and started making humans fat...hmmmm....

Is this a case for the X files?


CatherineAnn said...

Where did you find out about this? Very interesting. When I got fat is when I got sick with Epstien Bar. I could have been infected with this at the same time. I had only minor weight problems until one day, boom. Blew up like a baloon over a few months.

Joy! said...

Yep me too. I was never heavy heavy. I vacillated about 20 pounds, and could always drop it.
Now, I did have emotional issues...but like i said, what if the EMOTIONAL issues are biochemical, and the biochemical balance in our body is thrown off by a VIRUS.
Fuck me, all this coulda been an INFECTION with the side effect being balloon body???'
Oh this so makes me want to scream in frustration and anger. It's like when all those women were going to their doctors saying "i feel all these emotions" and they would say "It's all your imagination" and now 20-30 years later we say "Ok, maybe not. Maybe the emotions you are feeling are REAL"

Wow. Maybe the FAT we suddenly got lambasted with is a MEDICAL CONDITION and not our just being lazy and indiscriminate about the food we eat.

Shit shit shit! Doesn't that make your head go to a whole new place!

CatherineAnn said...

Yes, it goes to how can I transmute this virus!

Joy! said...

Absolutely-so I've posted a bunch of information for you.
It's funny because identifying the virus-we've done that.
Where's the cure???