I'm sitting here watching the effects baskets of candy have on two small children. All that sugar going down their throats just as fast as they can shovel it in. Unfortunately, they also received very long-stemmed butterfly nets, which in combination with the sugar high is a little dangerous in my house. Good thing the munchkins are so short - they were only able to come within 2 inches of the rotating ceiling fan.
So I'm sitting here thinking - what if? What if parents had the option to purchase an all-raw Easter basket for their children? One that contained fruit leathers, dehydrated cookies, and jungle toys and books - all with the ShamaMama logo. What if we also offered packages for other holidays for both children and adults: Valentines (chocolate truffle comes to mind), Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Mother's Day, Father's Day. What if we set up a website and took orders off the Internet as well as fast-food outlets? What if we set up little kiosks in malls next door to Mrs. Fields and sold these alternative sweets? What if we used a portion of the proceeds to provide these treats to homeless and/or low income families?
All this thinking just because my ceiling fan almost bit the dust. I knew there was a reason these kids keep showing up at my house. By the way, nothing's more fun than watching little children get excited. Catherine Ann, you can probably attest to that.
So I'm sitting here thinking - what if? What if parents had the option to purchase an all-raw Easter basket for their children? One that contained fruit leathers, dehydrated cookies, and jungle toys and books - all with the ShamaMama logo. What if we also offered packages for other holidays for both children and adults: Valentines (chocolate truffle comes to mind), Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Mother's Day, Father's Day. What if we set up a website and took orders off the Internet as well as fast-food outlets? What if we set up little kiosks in malls next door to Mrs. Fields and sold these alternative sweets? What if we used a portion of the proceeds to provide these treats to homeless and/or low income families?
All this thinking just because my ceiling fan almost bit the dust. I knew there was a reason these kids keep showing up at my house. By the way, nothing's more fun than watching little children get excited. Catherine Ann, you can probably attest to that.
This is such a great idea! I think going raw has opened up your vision and clarity to mega watts Pam. I wandered around three times trying to buy something for Ryder and Calla for Easter. They have enough toys, stuffed animals, and I really wanted to get them some treats. And I won't support or be a part of giving them regular treats as I believe they are really not good for any of us, and especially little kids. So I got them two little sticker books and felt like I really didn't get them what I wanted to. The internet seems like a great way for us to start. I would have bought raw leather, or raw cookies or chocolate bunny made with agave. I agree Pam, there isn't anything like the pure joy on little kids faces. Makes the heart smile. Hey, there's a T-shirt. "Go RAW it makes the heart smile!" The heart could be the shape of the heart or written out. I keep coming up with T-shirt ideas. T-shirts are something that could easily be sold over the internet.
If it's a picture of a heart, it should have a smiley face. :)
Smiley face is trademarked, but our version of it would be great!
Let's see-I put a new label on this called GETTING IDEAS so we can keep this organized.
I can see this along with the greendrinks and the raw snacks.
Mrs Fields went into gift baskets, and corporate baskets. There definitely is a nitch market for all this.
People will say that kids won't like it but you know neither of my nephews really care for candy. I sent them huge stuffed animals that they can lay on and watch tv. I love this idea Pam. And if we did this as the profit, and the school lunch program as the non profit, it would be the advertising vehicle to get major attention...again...profiling that given the CHOICE kids will too make a healthy choice. We aren't giving them enough credit!
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