So I was in Good Earth getting a few things. I'm getting raw cashews and this older woman is standing in the middle of the bulk area-and she's muttering to herself and shaking her head.
I smiled.
She said "this all so confuses me! Do you do this? But I'm going to try." I wondered why but didn't ask.
I smiled again. "Take it in small chunks, add something like fresh juice, and start there."
She looked at my cart at the tray of wheatgrass and said "What is that? What do you do with it?"
I explained about juicing, and she asked what it does for you, and I went into my tirade on the benefits of wheatgrass. She looked surprised, a bit dazed still, but nodding too. Then I realized that Good Earth now sells wheat grass shots for just 99 cents. I suggested she try it. Just one ounce.
You know there just isn't enough education yet and I am so excited to get this all going!
And another thing-I made the absolute worst dinner for poor T that I have ever made since I was a teen! I tried to make scallops. I used to know how to do this, and he valiantlly tried to eat it, but I have to say I threw the whole lot out with mutual agreement that it deserved the bin. I don't do that often.
I can't remember how to cook! THen I was boiling sweet potatoes and the pot boiled over. I don't do that cooked thing very well at all anymore! On the up side, I'm glad the dinner got thrown out. I've been raw all day now! :)
Educating the public - interesting because I keep getting more and more people asking me about raw - maybe I'm talking about it without realizing it and it's now a part of my makeup.
Me too. When I was in Wild Oats the other night a woman rushed in when I was checking out and said, "are you having the raw class?" The checker said it's going on in the back. I thought to myself, this isn't a coincidence. This is Spirit telling me we are on the right track. Love this story Joy. LOve it!
It is everywhere!
raw classes in the back room is exactly it
raw juice
raw smoothies
raw cooking
raw prep
it's all right here! And it's a marketing dream! :)
Somehow she was there and willing to try, but she didn't know how to start.
This is the wave in CA's painting...
I think people really are ready for change they are waking from the big sleep and want to reconnect with their bodies and yupper we are ready to fill that spot...
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