This week in class everyone did a soul retrieval for someone else. You just did yours too. There are no accidents, and there is syncronicity especially between members of an energetic alliance.
And you are definitely a member even at that distance.
I KNOW you care about being clearly heard, seen and represented as your authentic powerful self.
We all care. That is exactly what we are trying to clear our way TO, once again, and the imprints of the wounds of misunderstandings are in the way of our authentic powerful feminine selves.
AND we are talking about coming out into the world with a huge project. We want to be clear. We want to be understood. We want to be accepted and authentic. We want to have fun. We want to be brilliant and amazing and stupendous and, did I say we want to have fun?!
Why did everyone back up after Bear Lake? Why did we start stepping here and there away from raw? Precisely BECAUSE there were still the deepest imprints in the way. It was close. It is! Lauren, even you stepped back from raw this month.
I also know you WANT to be understood, and you WANT to be heard, and thank you for being the one to hold that mirror up for the group, Lauren. CA had a nightmare, Jac seems to have had a breakthrough too, and I hope she posts it.
If I sounded harsh yesterday it was to get that point across, and well done to you all. A little pot stirring on my part- perhaps.
The speed writing-absolutely necessary-especially for us because we are working on allowing that flow. It is invaluable, and Lauren, let yourself have it, and PAM practice it absolutely! That is what morning pages are about. Allowing that flow of what is inside to come out without editing. To teach us to bring what is inside, up and out. But those writings are for YOU.
Then post the results of that on the blog where you want to be clearly heard, seen and understood, in your power as QUEEN. Look at what you found, and then post your own understanding of self, of process, of the world. The other-does your intelligence, expression and passion a disservice.
You aren't a performing wind up perfect dolly to entertain others. Clear that imprint. You also don't have to be physically ill or throwing a tantrum to prove that you aren't perfect. You don't have to be fist flying angry to be visible. BE YOU!
I did the same. My weight was a way of saying LOOK AT WHO I REALLY AM because I got so tired of people telling me when I was little
1) that I was scarred and would never be Miss America
and then later as a teen and a young adult- (and I forgot this until just recently which is absolutely fascinating to ME)
2) that I was beautiful
which I also rebelled against.
Isn't it ALL about self acceptance?
ALL of our anger, self recrimination and resentment of the WORLD out there, is only a reflection of what is going on inside, and our own struggle to own and be authentic.
I think Maya Angelou does morning pages where she lets it rip. Then she goes back in and hones the pearls with precision. Is she disservicing herself by presenting the pearls and not the regurgitation of angst? What do you think?
When we blew out the archetypes IN CLASS Lauren, (and you haven't done that exercise formally, we will when you get here)you are left with just you. Then what? Where do you hide youself, and how can you distract yourself from facing you? DO we want to still hide from ourselves?
The pieces that come up this week and last week are probably some of the most profound.
Jacquie was still fighting stepping into those archetypes that were gifted back to her when in class this week. She wouldn't open that mesa, wouldn't confront them, own them, integrate them, preferrring the "other mesa". Not "that one"But she wanted it too. No one is holding it away from her but her. No one is taking it, no one is stopping her from having it-except her.
She was still wanting to run the belief that she isn't allowedto be valuable. Doesn't have, isn't enougheven when family, siblings, parents, spouse, children, the world was blown out...
Another project is awesome, but the conflict is about having to have another project to then feel like she is valuable enough. Jac you are beautiful, valuable and an incredible asset to the group. Why can't your amazing project be part of what is growing-wholly yours-you wearing and owning and directing it-and still within the scope of Shamamamas?
We only want any of you to offer yourself as you are, in the capacity that delights you. And thanks once again to Rebecca, so invalubale and indispensable to the group still and always.
Thank you Jacquie for demonstrating this piece to the group!
Now to everyone-can you find and heal the piece inside you that you are running from too?
Are you still using your DOINGness to prove your value, your worth, your contribution, to the world?
"See-I AM right! See-I AM valuable, I Am smart, I AM brilliant, I AM...what do you disown that you can and must call back to yourself-that is a soul retrieval!"
1 comment:
I think this whole process is all about owning the I AM and being clear on who that I AM is.
I will write about what I am finding about me, and even who I am since Wednesday. I first want to open my Manifesting Mesa and see what is revealed there before I put it on the blog, I think that is important...I know its important..
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