Thursday, April 19, 2007

Here's Susanne's article

Arthurian Tarot: The Grail Lance, Percival
Mayan Oracle: Greater Cycles, Ben
Aleister Crowley: Pleasure, Debauch, Peace
Medicine Cards: Ant, Whale
Osho Zen Tarot: We are the World, Sharing
Healing Earth Tarot: Eight of Crystals, Grandmother of Pipes
Ancient Egyptian Tarot: The Lovers, Princess of Swords
Words of Truth: Elimination, Nurturing, Breakthrough

If you feel that you just managed to survive the intensity of March, then the feelings of April will be breakthrough and a renewed sense of purpose. March brought with those eclipses the emotional roller coaster of death and rebirth. Now you have found an inner strength that could only come from being challenged and taken beyond the previous limitations of your consciousness.

March was painful and stressful for many, but now mental activity increases and spiritual strength allows you to rise to a new potential. Most of the gains will be accomplished by finding original ways of thinking. Following old stale ideas will leave you breaking down and trapped in an inhospitable environment.

The Grail Lance was called the Lance of Redemption. It had the power to heal, avenge, and bring rebirth to the earth. It is appropriate that this symbol comes in this spread for April and springtime.

With April, the energy bursts forth. This is no time to feel insecure or allow the mind to talk you out of acting in accord with the new situation. You are called to embrace optimism and allow innocent, infectious energy to broaden your horizons.

But before you become a knight, you must be a squire. You are beginning the path that eventually leads you out of situations that have blocked your potential, but only at the beginning. You have many details yet to accomplish, so stay aware and alert.

April is about celebration. Life has been given to us to create, rejoice, and to celebrate. When you fall into despair and misery, you tend to feel alone. When you celebrate life in any way, the whole of existence participates with you. In joy, we find our true light and our eternal self. Celebration takes us beyond the circles of death into life eternal. When you celebrate, there are no feelings of inferiority or superiority. We see our hopes and dreams reflected in all around us. Through that connection, new patterns of exquisite creation are possible.

Creation takes time, effort, and the ability to adapt to the evolving circumstances.

It is natural to have moments of fear, but do not allow them to take over your reality and cause you to break down the new and delicate creation. Find the stillness inside and allow the growth to find good solid roots in this fertile soil of your life. Give yourself time to grow into the powerful knight that you know is within. You will have to take a few knocks, but only through trial and error will you gain confidence in the new perceptions and skills.

By talking to yourself in positive ways and allowing gentle and consistent growth, you will find yourself further along the path than you can imagine. This internal wisdom and acceptance of the difficulty of growth allows you to enjoy the process and celebrate that journey with others.


Jacqueline Brown, said...

I would say this about sums it up....

Anonymous said...


Pam said...

yep, seconded.